Mission Statement
The goal of Chief Wanzagi Secondary School is the resurrection of society through the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. We want to accomplish this goal by the education of the young women entrusted to us. We desire the development of the entire person in the Roman Catholic tradition, in the heritage of the Congregation of the Resurrection, and also in conjunction with the educational principles of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. The motto of the school is: Charity and Truth.
In order to develop an entire person, there are a few important assumptions that must be present in all that we say and do. They are:
1. A sense of personal dignity and respect, freedom, and vocational mission. - Dignity and Respect: This is based on a deep belief of God's call to each person for communion with God. We treat each other with respect because God has first respected us by communicating with us.
- Freedom: We believe this is a special gift from God, unique to humanity. There are two kinds of freedom: freedom for community, worship, friendship, and affirmation, and freedom from personal and societal limitations, like corruption, and prejudices of social class, culture, and nationality. We want to teach students to be self-reliant and to act according to that belief by reaching out to others.
- Vocational Mission: We believe every person has a unique call from God, a personal plan, to respond to the needs of society through family, school, neighborhood, church or mosque, region, country, and world. There is a special call to bring more beauty and justice into the world. We have a special concern to develop leaders in our student body and to develop an appreciation for Tanzanian cultural heritage.
2. A deep appreciation and love for truth. - This is based on the Congregation of the Resurrection's Charism and Mission Statement rooted in the Gospels and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. We believe that God's Love for each human person, regardless of race, color, gender, or nation, is unconditional, merciful, and unfailing. With this truth in mind we reflect the charity of God. All are free to accept or reject this truth. We provide the opportunity to recognize it and to encourage all to grow in truth.
3. A development of the ability to reflect on life experiences. - Not only based on Resurrectionists' principles of education but also on the priniciples of Julius Nyerere, this assumption calls for each student to develop the ability to think for themselves based on solid principles and a love for the truth. They are to develop their own critical judgment as they search for truth. They are to use this reflection to go deeper into the truths of science, language and literature, mathematics, social studies, physical education, and religion and develop ways that these subjects can change their thinking and also change their actions to develop a better world or the resurrection of society.
Copyright © Siostry Zmartwychwstanki